Sunday School (9:30-10:30am) in the Family and Student Ministries Wing on the 2nd floor
We’re diving deep into God’s Word and tackling the tough questions so we can live out our faith more fully. We don’t have all the answers, but we believe God uses us all as we study and discuss Scripture and help each other grow in faith.
Wednesday Nights (6-8:30pm) in the Family and Student Ministries Wing on the 2nd floor
First, we meet in the Wesley Fellowship Hall to get our grub on (at no cost to you). Second, we meet in the Youth Room for a short game and a great lesson. Third, we go to the Chapel to sing with all who have come to S.P.A.N. This is a great opportunity to get to know St. Paul Youth outside of Sunday mornings. Come check us out and see what it’s all about!
Got Questions? Never hesitate to reach out to us!